Around here we have no trash service so the county has dumpster sites that you can take your trash to. Well, the last time we went, trying to be neighborly, we asked Carrie if she had anything she would like us to take for her. We helped her load it up and took her trash too. No biggie right?
Today Carrie loads all her trash up and takes it to the dumpsters. Did she ask if we might have some stuff that needed to go? She KNOWS we do but did she ask? Oh Hell NO. And that's the sort of thing that goes on around here all the time. She only thinks about herself and how she will come out of things. It irks the hell out of me.
She came over yesterday (only comes when she wants something btw) and tried to take our hose, insinuating that it was hers. I told her she needed to talk to Mars about the hose. UH it IS our hose. I don't care if she uses it ....we have been using it to water the garden for two months now. It just infuriates me that she "insisted" that it was hers.
John told me yesterday that some of the pinto's were ready to pick so I set off to pick them. No problem. Carrie comes out and asks me in that fake nice voice "What ya doing?" So I told her. She goes to John for confirmation . Like I'm gonna lie? WTF
I can't wait to get out of here. This place is making me very negative and I hate it.