Jul 3, 2010

Things You Didn't Know

The following posts are not in the order that they should be.  They are all taken from my Word Pad during the time we were staying at J&C's.  If they sound bitter....well so be it.  We got  screwed royally by these people.  I hope no one else gets sucked into their bullshit like we did.  It is apparently what you get for trusting and believing in some people. 

I figured I wanted a place where I could rant or bitch if I wanted to and so this blog was started.  My other blog really isn't the place for some of the feelings and all that I sometimes have.  Besides, everyone has a bit of a "dark" side right?

I am still quite bitter about what has come about in the last 6 months.  People think I should move on and get over it. I am trying to do that but sometimes I still need to express my anger.  That is what this blog has started as.  I don't know where it will go from here (if it goes anywhere at all) but I suppose that is my prerogative!