I cannot stand people who spout on and on about things online without the ability to apply those same principles in their REAL lives. Those who will be the first to speak out on places like FaceBook or someplace like it against the way things are in this country. About how we are loosing our rights. How we have a right to our freedom of speech in this country and yet in their daily lives they censor those who do not agree with them. Freedom of speech for themselves is what they mean apparently. God forbid that anyone else opens their mouth and might have a different view. All of the sudden you see them do an abrupt about face. Talking the talk and can't even walk the walk if you know what I mean. I have met people like that over and over again. So I don't really know why it continues to surprise me when I meet yet another one. It seems that we have become a nation of those who will spout off constitutional "rights" and yet do not allow the people in their lives any of those same rights. "It's all about me" seems to be the only real motto alot of people live by anymore.
Due to the situation I find myself in over the last few months I have been unable to write what I see going on around me. I might offend someone. And if I offend them they hold the cards with which to alter my life in some way. Oh, I am free to say anything I want as long as I don't actually tell the truth as I see it. As long as it sheds a good light on those around me. As long as it is "agreeable" with "them".