Jul 6, 2010

More Lies

I swear, is it ever going to end?  Again last night I was informed of some of the utter lies that John has been telling people about me.  The latest is that I "threatened" his daughter.  What a pathetic freaking loser. To have to go so far as to tell people that I would EVER even consider pulling a child into this mess.  What is even more telling is.... why would HE pull his own daughter into it?  What an absolute loser. 
I don't know what they expected of us when we got there. Well now I suppose I DO know.  They wanted a couple of slaves.  And he got pissed off because I up and quit doing anything around there. Why should I?  To what end was it beneficial to Mars or to myself?  It wasn't enough that Mars was working 40 hours (more or less) a week ... I was supposed to do the same? 
The level he stooped to in trying to get revenge is at best pitiful and a direct reflection on his character.  It is one thing to block me on his FaceBook so I cannot see the lies he is posting there or even to "deny" me membership to his lame website.  It is quite another for him to post the things he did on the American Preppers site.  He is lucky I don't sue him for defamation. And trust me the thought has crossed my mind. And then he had the audacity to go onto the forums there and delete every post I have ever made there and to delete my membership as well.  I guess that one is biting him in the ass though.  His administrative powers have been pulled. I have been a member or those forums for years.  Way before he was even involved.  And for him to pull ALL my posts and delete them is not only childish but it showed everyone just what sort of person he really is.  There are alot of pissed off people because of this.  Tom has asked me not to say anything about it.  I have to admit it is extremely hard to keep my mouth shut.  I want so badly to stand up and defend myself. But to do that would just give that jerk more exposure. And yet on the other hand I would love for EVERYONE  to know the truth about what he did to us.