You have heard the phrase " There are good days and there are bad days". More true words were never spoken. This has been an exceptionally bad one. But as Forest Gump would say "I guess that's all I have to say about that".
If my posts become scattered and scarce I apologize up front. It seems I will be having to make trips to the library to use the computer. Life has a way of playing games with weird rules tossed in now and again. And apparently God has a warped sense of humor. But who am I to argue right? Things will work out ... they always do. It doesn't mean that I have to like it! Things should get back to normal eventually.
I was just talking the other day about how very cool small towns are. They are also a bit fickle if you are looking for things. Don't get me wrong.. I stil really want to live just outside of a Little Big Town. BUT.... Try finding enough moving boxes to pack more than a couple at a time. We had already sifted and sorted through all our things when we sold the old trailer. I'm not seeing that there is much more "letting go" of stuff than we already have. So the search will continue the next few days for more boxes.
Why have I got Forrest Gump on the brain? This phrase keeps running through my head now... "Life is Like a Box Of Chocolates.. you never know what you are going to get".
P.S To all my buddies in the APN Chat Room.... I might be gone for awhile but save my seat... I Ain't Done Yet!