Sunday, June 20, 2010
This whole thing has been extremely hard on Mars. He has worked his butt off out here. He feels he has been used and I can't say that I blame him at all. All the trees in the field have been cut and the stumps pulled, the tilling done, the seeds all planted, the old house torn down, a septic dug, the rabbit hutches and nesting boxes built, electrical work done, the 18x18 Vegetable stand built and a miriad of other things that he has done around here.
Now it seems that since all the hard work has been done they just don't need him here anymore. He has been working 6 days a week at least 5-6 hours a day for almost 4 months now. That doesn't include any of the things that I have done around here. Like feeding and watering 20+ rabbits twice a day 7 days a week for three months or watering the gardens etc...
And out of the blue for us to be evicted with less than a weeks notice seems to be quite unfair to say the very least.
We have been packing up most of the day. There is NO way all our things are going to fit in the RV. I don't know what we are going to do about that. But we will figure something out. When one door closes another one will open, right? I just have to keep reminding myself to be positive. Everything in this life happens for a reason.