Sep 21, 2010
Jul 7, 2010
Jul 6, 2010
More Lies
I swear, is it ever going to end? Again last night I was informed of some of the utter lies that John has been telling people about me. The latest is that I "threatened" his daughter. What a pathetic freaking loser. To have to go so far as to tell people that I would EVER even consider pulling a child into this mess. What is even more telling is.... why would HE pull his own daughter into it? What an absolute loser.
I don't know what they expected of us when we got there. Well now I suppose I DO know. They wanted a couple of slaves. And he got pissed off because I up and quit doing anything around there. Why should I? To what end was it beneficial to Mars or to myself? It wasn't enough that Mars was working 40 hours (more or less) a week ... I was supposed to do the same?
The level he stooped to in trying to get revenge is at best pitiful and a direct reflection on his character. It is one thing to block me on his FaceBook so I cannot see the lies he is posting there or even to "deny" me membership to his lame website. It is quite another for him to post the things he did on the American Preppers site. He is lucky I don't sue him for defamation. And trust me the thought has crossed my mind. And then he had the audacity to go onto the forums there and delete every post I have ever made there and to delete my membership as well. I guess that one is biting him in the ass though. His administrative powers have been pulled. I have been a member or those forums for years. Way before he was even involved. And for him to pull ALL my posts and delete them is not only childish but it showed everyone just what sort of person he really is. There are alot of pissed off people because of this. Tom has asked me not to say anything about it. I have to admit it is extremely hard to keep my mouth shut. I want so badly to stand up and defend myself. But to do that would just give that jerk more exposure. And yet on the other hand I would love for EVERYONE to know the truth about what he did to us.
I don't know what they expected of us when we got there. Well now I suppose I DO know. They wanted a couple of slaves. And he got pissed off because I up and quit doing anything around there. Why should I? To what end was it beneficial to Mars or to myself? It wasn't enough that Mars was working 40 hours (more or less) a week ... I was supposed to do the same?
The level he stooped to in trying to get revenge is at best pitiful and a direct reflection on his character. It is one thing to block me on his FaceBook so I cannot see the lies he is posting there or even to "deny" me membership to his lame website. It is quite another for him to post the things he did on the American Preppers site. He is lucky I don't sue him for defamation. And trust me the thought has crossed my mind. And then he had the audacity to go onto the forums there and delete every post I have ever made there and to delete my membership as well. I guess that one is biting him in the ass though. His administrative powers have been pulled. I have been a member or those forums for years. Way before he was even involved. And for him to pull ALL my posts and delete them is not only childish but it showed everyone just what sort of person he really is. There are alot of pissed off people because of this. Tom has asked me not to say anything about it. I have to admit it is extremely hard to keep my mouth shut. I want so badly to stand up and defend myself. But to do that would just give that jerk more exposure. And yet on the other hand I would love for EVERYONE to know the truth about what he did to us.
Jul 3, 2010
Things You Didn't Know
The following posts are not in the order that they should be. They are all taken from my Word Pad during the time we were staying at J&C's. If they sound bitter....well so be it. We got screwed royally by these people. I hope no one else gets sucked into their bullshit like we did. It is apparently what you get for trusting and believing in some people.
I figured I wanted a place where I could rant or bitch if I wanted to and so this blog was started. My other blog really isn't the place for some of the feelings and all that I sometimes have. Besides, everyone has a bit of a "dark" side right?
I am still quite bitter about what has come about in the last 6 months. People think I should move on and get over it. I am trying to do that but sometimes I still need to express my anger. That is what this blog has started as. I don't know where it will go from here (if it goes anywhere at all) but I suppose that is my prerogative!
I figured I wanted a place where I could rant or bitch if I wanted to and so this blog was started. My other blog really isn't the place for some of the feelings and all that I sometimes have. Besides, everyone has a bit of a "dark" side right?
I am still quite bitter about what has come about in the last 6 months. People think I should move on and get over it. I am trying to do that but sometimes I still need to express my anger. That is what this blog has started as. I don't know where it will go from here (if it goes anywhere at all) but I suppose that is my prerogative!
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
Well to say it has been an interesting 24 hours would be quite an understatement. Apparently John didn't like my post . Well the ONE sentence anyway -about us not getting any of the squash from the seeds we gave him. Hey, I didn't even mention all the turnips (again OUR seeds) they sold. They were kind enough to give us two of those! He came down here yesterday raising hell and told us we had a week to "get the f*%k out". Mars tried to talk to him but he would have none of it. To say we were surprised would be an understatement. Stunned is more like it.
After all the work around here that Mars has done I just don't understand it. Well Mars got pissed and wrote out all the hours he had worked, what he had built, what they had been using of ours, all the tools (his own) he had used to get things done around here. Then took all the hours and added them up at $5.00 an hour (cheap yeah?) and deducted rent, electric, even the 5 dozen or so eggs we got from them over the last 3 months and still came up with over an additional $1,300.00 . Well he took his up to their house, handed it to them and walked away. I mean it was just to make a point . We have not been living here sucking off them.... we have both been working out here.
Next thing you know here comes John AND Carrie down here to the trailer raising hell and toting a video camera and both carrying sidearms.and WTF?? Guns? I could NOT believe it. Chalk it up to drinking I guess but it was totally uncalled for. Brought back our water hoses, extension cords, and the computer router( which he slammed on the concrete) tossed it all in the dirt and started screaming. They told us we had 24 hours to get out of here. And if we didn't like it they would call the sherrif and make a complaint against us for trespassing. Trespassing? We have been living here for over 3 months! Mars and I were both like WTF is going on??? Stupid shit to be sure. Then they went back to their house and shut off the electricity and the water to our trailer.
Now I don't know if its just me or was that shit totally uncalled for? All because I actually posted to the internet about some stupid produce?
We left this morning to try and find a place to move the trailer too and before we left Mars went to their door to tell them we would be back... Check this out... Carrie's daughter was in the yard, saw us and ran like she was scared into the house. Carrie comes to the door holding a freaking gun. Come on... like we are killers or something? Just stupid.
This afternoon we came back to start packing and Mars went to talk to John to see if he would be reasonable and give us at least a few days to move. Hell it took more than a day to move in... how are we supposed to move out in one? Well to give John some credit he gave us till Monday. Such a nice guy!
I have to say after the time spent here and all the nasty things he has written online about this whole situation I won't be sorry to leave. And I'm certainly not going to miss either of them.
Well to say it has been an interesting 24 hours would be quite an understatement. Apparently John didn't like my post . Well the ONE sentence anyway -about us not getting any of the squash from the seeds we gave him. Hey, I didn't even mention all the turnips (again OUR seeds) they sold. They were kind enough to give us two of those! He came down here yesterday raising hell and told us we had a week to "get the f*%k out". Mars tried to talk to him but he would have none of it. To say we were surprised would be an understatement. Stunned is more like it.
After all the work around here that Mars has done I just don't understand it. Well Mars got pissed and wrote out all the hours he had worked, what he had built, what they had been using of ours, all the tools (his own) he had used to get things done around here. Then took all the hours and added them up at $5.00 an hour (cheap yeah?) and deducted rent, electric, even the 5 dozen or so eggs we got from them over the last 3 months and still came up with over an additional $1,300.00 . Well he took his up to their house, handed it to them and walked away. I mean it was just to make a point . We have not been living here sucking off them.... we have both been working out here.
Next thing you know here comes John AND Carrie down here to the trailer raising hell and toting a video camera and both carrying sidearms.and WTF?? Guns? I could NOT believe it. Chalk it up to drinking I guess but it was totally uncalled for. Brought back our water hoses, extension cords, and the computer router( which he slammed on the concrete) tossed it all in the dirt and started screaming. They told us we had 24 hours to get out of here. And if we didn't like it they would call the sherrif and make a complaint against us for trespassing. Trespassing? We have been living here for over 3 months! Mars and I were both like WTF is going on??? Stupid shit to be sure. Then they went back to their house and shut off the electricity and the water to our trailer.
Now I don't know if its just me or was that shit totally uncalled for? All because I actually posted to the internet about some stupid produce?
We left this morning to try and find a place to move the trailer too and before we left Mars went to their door to tell them we would be back... Check this out... Carrie's daughter was in the yard, saw us and ran like she was scared into the house. Carrie comes to the door holding a freaking gun. Come on... like we are killers or something? Just stupid.
This afternoon we came back to start packing and Mars went to talk to John to see if he would be reasonable and give us at least a few days to move. Hell it took more than a day to move in... how are we supposed to move out in one? Well to give John some credit he gave us till Monday. Such a nice guy!
I have to say after the time spent here and all the nasty things he has written online about this whole situation I won't be sorry to leave. And I'm certainly not going to miss either of them.
Friday, June 18, 2010
I cannot stand people who spout on and on about things online without the ability to apply those same principles in their REAL lives. Those who will be the first to speak out on places like FaceBook or someplace like it against the way things are in this country. About how we are loosing our rights. How we have a right to our freedom of speech in this country and yet in their daily lives they censor those who do not agree with them. Freedom of speech for themselves is what they mean apparently. God forbid that anyone else opens their mouth and might have a different view. All of the sudden you see them do an abrupt about face. Talking the talk and can't even walk the walk if you know what I mean. I have met people like that over and over again. So I don't really know why it continues to surprise me when I meet yet another one. It seems that we have become a nation of those who will spout off constitutional "rights" and yet do not allow the people in their lives any of those same rights. "It's all about me" seems to be the only real motto alot of people live by anymore.
Due to the situation I find myself in over the last few months I have been unable to write what I see going on around me. I might offend someone. And if I offend them they hold the cards with which to alter my life in some way. Oh, I am free to say anything I want as long as I don't actually tell the truth as I see it. As long as it sheds a good light on those around me. As long as it is "agreeable" with "them".
Due to the situation I find myself in over the last few months I have been unable to write what I see going on around me. I might offend someone. And if I offend them they hold the cards with which to alter my life in some way. Oh, I am free to say anything I want as long as I don't actually tell the truth as I see it. As long as it sheds a good light on those around me. As long as it is "agreeable" with "them".
Thursday, June 17, 2010 Scattered and Scarce
You have heard the phrase " There are good days and there are bad days". More true words were never spoken. This has been an exceptionally bad one. But as Forest Gump would say "I guess that's all I have to say about that".
If my posts become scattered and scarce I apologize up front. It seems I will be having to make trips to the library to use the computer. Life has a way of playing games with weird rules tossed in now and again. And apparently God has a warped sense of humor. But who am I to argue right? Things will work out ... they always do. It doesn't mean that I have to like it! Things should get back to normal eventually.
I was just talking the other day about how very cool small towns are. They are also a bit fickle if you are looking for things. Don't get me wrong.. I stil really want to live just outside of a Little Big Town. BUT.... Try finding enough moving boxes to pack more than a couple at a time. We had already sifted and sorted through all our things when we sold the old trailer. I'm not seeing that there is much more "letting go" of stuff than we already have. So the search will continue the next few days for more boxes.
Why have I got Forrest Gump on the brain? This phrase keeps running through my head now... "Life is Like a Box Of Chocolates.. you never know what you are going to get".
P.S To all my buddies in the APN Chat Room.... I might be gone for awhile but save my seat... I Ain't Done Yet!
If my posts become scattered and scarce I apologize up front. It seems I will be having to make trips to the library to use the computer. Life has a way of playing games with weird rules tossed in now and again. And apparently God has a warped sense of humor. But who am I to argue right? Things will work out ... they always do. It doesn't mean that I have to like it! Things should get back to normal eventually.
I was just talking the other day about how very cool small towns are. They are also a bit fickle if you are looking for things. Don't get me wrong.. I stil really want to live just outside of a Little Big Town. BUT.... Try finding enough moving boxes to pack more than a couple at a time. We had already sifted and sorted through all our things when we sold the old trailer. I'm not seeing that there is much more "letting go" of stuff than we already have. So the search will continue the next few days for more boxes.
Why have I got Forrest Gump on the brain? This phrase keeps running through my head now... "Life is Like a Box Of Chocolates.. you never know what you are going to get".
P.S To all my buddies in the APN Chat Room.... I might be gone for awhile but save my seat... I Ain't Done Yet!
We are Screwed
Well things certainly have a way of going to hell in a handbasket pretty quickly. Because I wrote something that our host considered offensive on my last garden update on Monday we have been asked to vacate the property by the first of the week. We have no destination, as we had no idea we would be kicked out on such short notice. We are also less than $300.00 from being destitute. I don't know what we are going to do.
We had thought that we could have made another six weeks or so with that money as we haven't had many expenses since being here. But to have to pack up and find another place to live, and the cost of fuel to move the trailer we are pretty much screwed. I just don't know what we are going to do. I can't even make phone calls (Skype) as they have shut off our internet access.
I hope to hear from Social Security within the next couple of weeks concerning my approval. I have an appointment for a blood test on Tuesday. I have to drive 130 miles to go have it done. Great system we have here right? After that it shouldn't take more than a couple of weeks to get an answer from Social Security as to my acceptance. Until then... I just don't know what we will do.
I am now limited to wi-fi hot spots and the library so I don't know how often I will be able to post. Prayers and good thoughts in our direction would be greatly appreciated right now.
We had thought that we could have made another six weeks or so with that money as we haven't had many expenses since being here. But to have to pack up and find another place to live, and the cost of fuel to move the trailer we are pretty much screwed. I just don't know what we are going to do. I can't even make phone calls (Skype) as they have shut off our internet access.
I hope to hear from Social Security within the next couple of weeks concerning my approval. I have an appointment for a blood test on Tuesday. I have to drive 130 miles to go have it done. Great system we have here right? After that it shouldn't take more than a couple of weeks to get an answer from Social Security as to my acceptance. Until then... I just don't know what we will do.
I am now limited to wi-fi hot spots and the library so I don't know how often I will be able to post. Prayers and good thoughts in our direction would be greatly appreciated right now.
Sunday, June 20,2010
Sunday, June 20, 2010
This whole thing has been extremely hard on Mars. He has worked his butt off out here. He feels he has been used and I can't say that I blame him at all. All the trees in the field have been cut and the stumps pulled, the tilling done, the seeds all planted, the old house torn down, a septic dug, the rabbit hutches and nesting boxes built, electrical work done, the 18x18 Vegetable stand built and a miriad of other things that he has done around here.
Now it seems that since all the hard work has been done they just don't need him here anymore. He has been working 6 days a week at least 5-6 hours a day for almost 4 months now. That doesn't include any of the things that I have done around here. Like feeding and watering 20+ rabbits twice a day 7 days a week for three months or watering the gardens etc...
And out of the blue for us to be evicted with less than a weeks notice seems to be quite unfair to say the very least.
We have been packing up most of the day. There is NO way all our things are going to fit in the RV. I don't know what we are going to do about that. But we will figure something out. When one door closes another one will open, right? I just have to keep reminding myself to be positive. Everything in this life happens for a reason.
This whole thing has been extremely hard on Mars. He has worked his butt off out here. He feels he has been used and I can't say that I blame him at all. All the trees in the field have been cut and the stumps pulled, the tilling done, the seeds all planted, the old house torn down, a septic dug, the rabbit hutches and nesting boxes built, electrical work done, the 18x18 Vegetable stand built and a miriad of other things that he has done around here.
Now it seems that since all the hard work has been done they just don't need him here anymore. He has been working 6 days a week at least 5-6 hours a day for almost 4 months now. That doesn't include any of the things that I have done around here. Like feeding and watering 20+ rabbits twice a day 7 days a week for three months or watering the gardens etc...
And out of the blue for us to be evicted with less than a weeks notice seems to be quite unfair to say the very least.
We have been packing up most of the day. There is NO way all our things are going to fit in the RV. I don't know what we are going to do about that. But we will figure something out. When one door closes another one will open, right? I just have to keep reminding myself to be positive. Everything in this life happens for a reason.
June 11,2010
Another post about how "hard" they work.
Carrie Milandred 16 hour days of work are killing me........need more time in the day!!
Give me a break...shes sitting up there in that veggie stand waiting on ppl to come by and buy produce... come on....
Isn't this interesting.... John has "unfriended" me like I wouldnt notice that? What a sleeze... If you have something to say....just say it... why be a wuss?
Rabbit Killer I Am?
Posted By John after blocking me from his Face Book last month.
John Milandred Lost 4 rabbits in 3 months......:( Iguess that's what I get for letting someone else take care of them and being to busy..........:( My falt
John Milandred Lost 4 rabbits in 3 months......:( Iguess that's what I get for letting someone else take care of them and being to busy..........:( My falt
Jun 13, 2010
This is a post I would have liked to have put on my other blog. But due to the fact that I have to monitor everything I do, again I cannot use my free speech. I'm being held hostage by the need for a place to hang out. It matters not that Mars works his ass off around here. Just ask John. They are both so self-absorbed that nothing else matters to them. And to be such a chicken shit as to post stuff on FB and not have the BALLS to say it without blocking me....... What is he afraid of? Someone is going to find out that hes full of shit? Thats ok though...the time will come when the truth will come out.
First I would like to thank all of you for your kind words and comments on the last post. You guys were so right! The little bunny that flipped out of the cage did indeed come back. For that I am grateful.
On another note though, I have been relieved of duty in the care of rabbits around here. Apparently since my three months taking care of them 4 rabbits have been lost. This is news to me as I only know of two that have perished. And I didn't really have anything to do with their demise. One escaped out of the cage and the dog found it and did what dogs do. The other had been acting "strangely" for over a month. It finally just "quit". Our host said that it seemed to have died of malnutrition even though its tummy was quite full when it died. I fed and watered them all twice a day. I picked two five gallon buckets full of grass and greens twice a day. As for the other two??? I dunno.
I don't feel I can actually say much here right now due to circumstances so I will leave it at that. Guess you can call me the bunny killer...
First I would like to thank all of you for your kind words and comments on the last post. You guys were so right! The little bunny that flipped out of the cage did indeed come back. For that I am grateful.
On another note though, I have been relieved of duty in the care of rabbits around here. Apparently since my three months taking care of them 4 rabbits have been lost. This is news to me as I only know of two that have perished. And I didn't really have anything to do with their demise. One escaped out of the cage and the dog found it and did what dogs do. The other had been acting "strangely" for over a month. It finally just "quit". Our host said that it seemed to have died of malnutrition even though its tummy was quite full when it died. I fed and watered them all twice a day. I picked two five gallon buckets full of grass and greens twice a day. As for the other two??? I dunno.
I don't feel I can actually say much here right now due to circumstances so I will leave it at that. Guess you can call me the bunny killer...
Jun 2, 2010
Trash Anyone?
Around here we have no trash service so the county has dumpster sites that you can take your trash to. Well, the last time we went, trying to be neighborly, we asked Carrie if she had anything she would like us to take for her. We helped her load it up and took her trash too. No biggie right?
Today Carrie loads all her trash up and takes it to the dumpsters. Did she ask if we might have some stuff that needed to go? She KNOWS we do but did she ask? Oh Hell NO. And that's the sort of thing that goes on around here all the time. She only thinks about herself and how she will come out of things. It irks the hell out of me.
She came over yesterday (only comes when she wants something btw) and tried to take our hose, insinuating that it was hers. I told her she needed to talk to Mars about the hose. UH it IS our hose. I don't care if she uses it ....we have been using it to water the garden for two months now. It just infuriates me that she "insisted" that it was hers.
John told me yesterday that some of the pinto's were ready to pick so I set off to pick them. No problem. Carrie comes out and asks me in that fake nice voice "What ya doing?" So I told her. She goes to John for confirmation . Like I'm gonna lie? WTF
I can't wait to get out of here. This place is making me very negative and I hate it.
Today Carrie loads all her trash up and takes it to the dumpsters. Did she ask if we might have some stuff that needed to go? She KNOWS we do but did she ask? Oh Hell NO. And that's the sort of thing that goes on around here all the time. She only thinks about herself and how she will come out of things. It irks the hell out of me.
She came over yesterday (only comes when she wants something btw) and tried to take our hose, insinuating that it was hers. I told her she needed to talk to Mars about the hose. UH it IS our hose. I don't care if she uses it ....we have been using it to water the garden for two months now. It just infuriates me that she "insisted" that it was hers.
John told me yesterday that some of the pinto's were ready to pick so I set off to pick them. No problem. Carrie comes out and asks me in that fake nice voice "What ya doing?" So I told her. She goes to John for confirmation . Like I'm gonna lie? WTF
I can't wait to get out of here. This place is making me very negative and I hate it.
May 29, 2010
March 2010
I'm not really sure what we are doing here. I mean we came here with the intention of helping out here for a few months until I could get my SSD. It can't come soon enough as far as I'm concerned. I'm in a piss poor mood lately. We have zip for money left and last week Carrie asked us for a hundred bucks for electric. Which I find to be BULLSHIT on several levels. First let me say that John was saying that the electric went from 28 dollars this time last year to 128 this year. Excuse me??? We in no way used that much electricity. When we were in G'Town we lived in an RV twice this size and ran either the a/c or the heat or a fan 24 hours a day. Two tv's going, cablebox,dvd player, hot water heater, washer and dryer, deep freezer,microwave, outside lights and both computers. At 10 cents per kwh we only ran over 100 bucks on probably 3 occasions. So you tell me how we used that much in this half sized trailer with nothing but the computer (1) fridge and the deep freezer? I mean if you need money why don't you just say so? Why try blowing smoke up our ass like that? Lying does not impress anyone.
Another thing that pisses me off is that Joe works a minimum of 5-6 hours a day 6 days a week doing things around here. Right now he is building a vegetable stand so John can sell his produce out by the road. 16x16 building and Joe is now the only one working on it. A few weeks ago he took off on Sunday and John didn't. John acted all pissy for the next 2 days.
I feed and water 22 rabbits 2x's a day 7 days a week. And that means I have to pull enough grass and weeds to fill 2 5gallon buckets twice a day as well.They aren't buying rabbit feed. Don't know how good that is for the rabbits...but they aren't mine to worry about I suppose.
Oh, and I have been watering the gardens. Apparently I don't do it well enough. Here's just one example. Yesterday I watered the front garden for 3 1/2 hours. Carrie comes out after I had been out there for 3 hours and went to the place I had started watering and says "I don't think you are giving them enough water". The place is all sand.... of course its going to dry out at the top. So I went up to the RV to grab a bite to eat before headed out to water the corn.... what does she do? Unhooks our water so she can continue to water. Fine then, do it. Then at 8pm I went to ask if I could hook back up the water so I could cook dinner and maybe wash dishes. Oh- yeah- I guess we are done watering. GAWDDDDD!!!!!!!!!!!! So now I guess I am supposed to water every day all day long??? Seems that way to me anyway. And for what??? I mean really??? We are parked on their land and do use their wi-fi connection (which I AM grateful for) and apparently we are paying electric as well. We get nothing more out of all this. Oh and the router that they are using is ours. Theirs burned out so Joe let them use ours. Oh and as far as watering goes... without the 300 ft of hose WE brought with us .... how the hell were they going to water anyway?
The neighbor gave John prolly 40-50 lbs of beef from his freezer for Mars & him helping out with their pasture and loading their cow to head to the butchers. (See Blog) They put it in our freezer as they had no place to keep it. Well the first time Carrie comes to get meat...she takes all the steaks cause they had a friend come in and wanted to cook. Then she shows up a couple of days ago and takes all the rest of it except for 2 roasts. WTF is that all about? (see blog & comment left) All that fucking meat and we get 2 steaks , 2 roasts, and 2 lbs of hamb? AND she left that nasty gd comment on MY blog???? That shit just pisses me off.
Another thing that pisses me off is that Joe works a minimum of 5-6 hours a day 6 days a week doing things around here. Right now he is building a vegetable stand so John can sell his produce out by the road. 16x16 building and Joe is now the only one working on it. A few weeks ago he took off on Sunday and John didn't. John acted all pissy for the next 2 days.
I feed and water 22 rabbits 2x's a day 7 days a week. And that means I have to pull enough grass and weeds to fill 2 5gallon buckets twice a day as well.They aren't buying rabbit feed. Don't know how good that is for the rabbits...but they aren't mine to worry about I suppose.
Oh, and I have been watering the gardens. Apparently I don't do it well enough. Here's just one example. Yesterday I watered the front garden for 3 1/2 hours. Carrie comes out after I had been out there for 3 hours and went to the place I had started watering and says "I don't think you are giving them enough water". The place is all sand.... of course its going to dry out at the top. So I went up to the RV to grab a bite to eat before headed out to water the corn.... what does she do? Unhooks our water so she can continue to water. Fine then, do it. Then at 8pm I went to ask if I could hook back up the water so I could cook dinner and maybe wash dishes. Oh- yeah- I guess we are done watering. GAWDDDDD!!!!!!!!!!!! So now I guess I am supposed to water every day all day long??? Seems that way to me anyway. And for what??? I mean really??? We are parked on their land and do use their wi-fi connection (which I AM grateful for) and apparently we are paying electric as well. We get nothing more out of all this. Oh and the router that they are using is ours. Theirs burned out so Joe let them use ours. Oh and as far as watering goes... without the 300 ft of hose WE brought with us .... how the hell were they going to water anyway?
The neighbor gave John prolly 40-50 lbs of beef from his freezer for Mars & him helping out with their pasture and loading their cow to head to the butchers. (See Blog) They put it in our freezer as they had no place to keep it. Well the first time Carrie comes to get meat...she takes all the steaks cause they had a friend come in and wanted to cook. Then she shows up a couple of days ago and takes all the rest of it except for 2 roasts. WTF is that all about? (see blog & comment left) All that fucking meat and we get 2 steaks , 2 roasts, and 2 lbs of hamb? AND she left that nasty gd comment on MY blog???? That shit just pisses me off.
May 15,2010
Saturday, May 15, 2010
Well yesterday was a day that will not soon be forgotten on the Pioneer Living Homestead. A storm came through here with some serious wind and rain and some even more serious hail. Silver dollar in size and buckets and buckets of it. All the gardens are torn up pretty badly. Much was lost and none of us know what will actually come back from this. To say John and Carrie are heartbroken would be quite an understatement. They had such hope for this years crop. It looks like most of their plans were dashed yesterday. They were counting on being able to sell enough produce this year so that Carrie could give up her job and work here on the homestead full time. Now they are worried about paying the bills. And the tractor they were going to buy will have to be returned to the man who was letting them use it until they could pay for it. To be honest though, I don't see how they thought they were going to make enough money to do all that and continue to pay the bills for an entire year.
Our position here has become compromised as well. Nothing has been said yet but I fear it is only a matter of time before we will be told that we will have to start paying the electric. Not that that is a new thing as they came to us three weeks ago and asked for money for the electric. What really upset me about that is that they wanted $100.00. That's an awful lot of money for having nothing running except the refrigerator, the freezer(which has their meat in it), a computer and some DC lighting we use only about 5 hours a day.
When we were in the other trailer we had those things running in addition to a hot water heater, microwave, washer and dryer, two tvs, DVD player, cable box, outdoor lighting &air conditioner and fans running 24/7. Our bill there at .10 kwh ran around $65.00 a month. The highest it ever ran was $135.00 during the heat wave last August.
Oh and that meat that we thought was to be shared? The beef the neighbors gave John? Well Carrie came a couple of days ago and got it all and took it to her house. Mars said don't worry about it ... It was theirs anyway. So if you look at it that way we did pretty good. We ate 2 T-bones, a couple of pounds of hamburger, and she left us 2 roasts. Not bad for babysitting meat! But part of the deal here was that they would share that meat. So you tell me.....
Well yesterday was a day that will not soon be forgotten on the Pioneer Living Homestead. A storm came through here with some serious wind and rain and some even more serious hail. Silver dollar in size and buckets and buckets of it. All the gardens are torn up pretty badly. Much was lost and none of us know what will actually come back from this. To say John and Carrie are heartbroken would be quite an understatement. They had such hope for this years crop. It looks like most of their plans were dashed yesterday. They were counting on being able to sell enough produce this year so that Carrie could give up her job and work here on the homestead full time. Now they are worried about paying the bills. And the tractor they were going to buy will have to be returned to the man who was letting them use it until they could pay for it. To be honest though, I don't see how they thought they were going to make enough money to do all that and continue to pay the bills for an entire year.
Our position here has become compromised as well. Nothing has been said yet but I fear it is only a matter of time before we will be told that we will have to start paying the electric. Not that that is a new thing as they came to us three weeks ago and asked for money for the electric. What really upset me about that is that they wanted $100.00. That's an awful lot of money for having nothing running except the refrigerator, the freezer(which has their meat in it), a computer and some DC lighting we use only about 5 hours a day.
When we were in the other trailer we had those things running in addition to a hot water heater, microwave, washer and dryer, two tvs, DVD player, cable box, outdoor lighting &air conditioner and fans running 24/7. Our bill there at .10 kwh ran around $65.00 a month. The highest it ever ran was $135.00 during the heat wave last August.
Oh and that meat that we thought was to be shared? The beef the neighbors gave John? Well Carrie came a couple of days ago and got it all and took it to her house. Mars said don't worry about it ... It was theirs anyway. So if you look at it that way we did pretty good. We ate 2 T-bones, a couple of pounds of hamburger, and she left us 2 roasts. Not bad for babysitting meat! But part of the deal here was that they would share that meat. So you tell me.....
Face Book Messge
Well, here we go... Looks like the whip is being cracked now. This is the Face Book message received today from John.
![John Milandred]()
As for trying to get to know Carrie.... that's almost impossible as she is not a very social person in the first place. I've tried and tried to talk to her. She isn't all that friendly and things seem to revolve solely around her and her needs. And as for her getting someone who "will" do the work? Good Luck!
I spoke with SS this week and they have finally figured out what the hell I have been trying to tell them. They found my blood tests and I should know something pretty soon.... Can't possibly be soon enough for me though. We are going to have to come up with some way to get some cash soon. We are so broke its not even funny. I might have to see if my grandmother will loan us some money until the settlement is made. I sure hope she can help us out.
John MilandredMay 29, 2010 at 12:06pm
Subject: Crops
Just to give you the heads up!
Carrie quit her job today! This is the time that hell
Remember when you said your day is coming? well this is it.....LOL
Everyone will need to do there part so when not watering, picking, building and stuff there is weed eating all over and clean up.
The only day of rest is Sunday! so if you guy's plan to stay the summer then everyone needs to step up to the plate or she will get someone who will.
Also this would be the time to start getting to know her!
Just letting you know.....:)
We came here with the intention to help them out this summer... I just didn't know it was supposed to be from sunup to sundown. And all we receive for this? Lot rent basically. Can we say slave labor? Because that's what it is starting to sound like. We receive NO other compensation. Not even a thank you. Carrie quit her job today! This is the time that hell
Remember when you said your day is coming? well this is it.....LOL
Everyone will need to do there part so when not watering, picking, building and stuff there is weed eating all over and clean up.
The only day of rest is Sunday! so if you guy's plan to stay the summer then everyone needs to step up to the plate or she will get someone who will.
Also this would be the time to start getting to know her!
Just letting you know.....:)
As for trying to get to know Carrie.... that's almost impossible as she is not a very social person in the first place. I've tried and tried to talk to her. She isn't all that friendly and things seem to revolve solely around her and her needs. And as for her getting someone who "will" do the work? Good Luck!
I spoke with SS this week and they have finally figured out what the hell I have been trying to tell them. They found my blood tests and I should know something pretty soon.... Can't possibly be soon enough for me though. We are going to have to come up with some way to get some cash soon. We are so broke its not even funny. I might have to see if my grandmother will loan us some money until the settlement is made. I sure hope she can help us out.
May 27, 2010
Yeah I'm Bitching Again
This was posted on Johns Face book On Monday , May 24th....
John Milandred Well soon our guest will be off to Arkansas and we will need some help here on the homestead. Anyone interested?
John Milandred
Ok the rules: No drunks and you must be fit! lol
Also willing to work more then 4 hours a day. Must be able to have place to stay (Trailer and or Camper) and pay for your own power. We take care of (Water, Internet, septic, land) also meat, and lot's of veg's and fruit when in season. LOL
Monday at 9:05pm5
This post has bothered me on several levels all week long. So as to keep the peace I have not said one word about it. As a matter of fact I haven't spoken with him since the posting. Let me just break it down for ya.
"Well soon our guest...." That's been an irritation to me from the first time I heard him call us that on his show one time like we are under some sort of apprenticeship program or something. When we came up here it was to lend a hand for the summer. As for being a "guest" If I had guests staying on my land I would most certainly treat them as such. I find it a little weird that in the 3 months we have been here-we have not been invited ONCE for a cookout or even a get together in the evenings. Maybe it's just the way I was raised but we don't treat guests like that where we come from.
"No Drunks and you must be fit!" I find that offensive as well as John drinks on a daily basis. I wouldn't call him a drunk . Mars and I drink some but neither of us are drunks either. As to the "you must be fit" comment I am sure that was directed towards me. I have issues with my back and legs that prevent me from doing some things. I can get them done, I just have to take it at my own pace.
"Also willing to work more than 4 hours a day..."
Ummm, excuse me? I'm thinking that 5-6 hours a day most days is what Mars does around here at least 6 days a week most of the time. I spent an hour and a half a day dealing with the rabbits. Since they don't buy rabbit food I have to go pick grass and such twice a day. That is 4 five gallon buckets a day. 7 days a week. I haven't had to water the gardens the last couple of weeks due to the weather. I'm back at it again today. That takes at least 3 1/2hours a day when watering is needed. Now lets just stop and break down the hours vs payment for those hours. Lets let him have his "4 hours" a day for all the work Mars has done for him. AND lets just say he was working at minimum wage. That would be 4 hours a day x six days a week at $7.25 an hour. That is $174.00 a week x 4 weeks a month. That ends up being $696.00 a month.
$696.00 a month and that does not include anything that I do around here.
$326.25 a month for time spent with the rabbits alone - this does NOT include anything else I do around here. Now for this we get water, internet, and a place to park the trailer. All for only $1022.00 worth of work a month. Not a bad deal huh??
Onto the next part shall we?
"We take care of (Water, Internet, septic, land) also meat, and lot's of veg's and fruit when in season. LOL"
Let's be completely honest here. He has a well, The internet is shared by wi-fi. The router by the way is Ours as his burned out and he didn't have another one. The septic was dug and installed by Mars. His land is paid for. So actually it costs him nothing for the labor he receives.
"Also meat, and lot's of veg's and fruit when in season." I found it interesting that when the neighbor gave John the beef it was understood that we would be able to have some as Mars had helped with them as well. There was probably 50 pounds of beef that John had no room for so it was stored in our deep freeze (along with about 50 pounds of freezer burned pork John's as well ) Out of all that beef ars and I had a steak dinner, 3 lbs of hamburger, and 2 roasts. We have a few packages of venison that Mars help butcher and about 4 packages of hog that were given to us which he also helped butcher. As for vegetables we haven't seen any yet. I am hoping they will be kind enough to share some of the turnips and melons and yellow squash that we provided the seeds for. I suppose we will see about that one.
If it weren't for John's meat we would not be needing to run the deep freezer at all.But we sure are being charged electricity here.
Ok, onto the issues I have about the electricity."And pay for your own power" In the 3 months we have been here we have been asked to pay a total of $140.00. I know that doesn't sound like much but hang on... lol. That works out to $46.00 a month. Want to know what we run on electric here? The refrigerator, the deep freeze (that we don't need to run) one fan, one computer, and DC lights about 4 hours a night. No way this comes out to that much electric. Quite impossible actually.
Some might say I'm making more out of all this than I should. Possibly. I just don't see the fairness of it all though. I feel like we are being taken advantage of and the bitch of it all is...we can't move just yet. Soon I hope.
John Milandred Well soon our guest will be off to Arkansas and we will need some help here on the homestead. Anyone interested?
John Milandred
Ok the rules: No drunks and you must be fit! lol
Also willing to work more then 4 hours a day. Must be able to have place to stay (Trailer and or Camper) and pay for your own power. We take care of (Water, Internet, septic, land) also meat, and lot's of veg's and fruit when in season. LOL
Monday at 9:05pm5
This post has bothered me on several levels all week long. So as to keep the peace I have not said one word about it. As a matter of fact I haven't spoken with him since the posting. Let me just break it down for ya.
"Well soon our guest...." That's been an irritation to me from the first time I heard him call us that on his show one time like we are under some sort of apprenticeship program or something. When we came up here it was to lend a hand for the summer. As for being a "guest" If I had guests staying on my land I would most certainly treat them as such. I find it a little weird that in the 3 months we have been here-we have not been invited ONCE for a cookout or even a get together in the evenings. Maybe it's just the way I was raised but we don't treat guests like that where we come from.
"No Drunks and you must be fit!" I find that offensive as well as John drinks on a daily basis. I wouldn't call him a drunk . Mars and I drink some but neither of us are drunks either. As to the "you must be fit" comment I am sure that was directed towards me. I have issues with my back and legs that prevent me from doing some things. I can get them done, I just have to take it at my own pace.
"Also willing to work more than 4 hours a day..."
Ummm, excuse me? I'm thinking that 5-6 hours a day most days is what Mars does around here at least 6 days a week most of the time. I spent an hour and a half a day dealing with the rabbits. Since they don't buy rabbit food I have to go pick grass and such twice a day. That is 4 five gallon buckets a day. 7 days a week. I haven't had to water the gardens the last couple of weeks due to the weather. I'm back at it again today. That takes at least 3 1/2hours a day when watering is needed. Now lets just stop and break down the hours vs payment for those hours. Lets let him have his "4 hours" a day for all the work Mars has done for him. AND lets just say he was working at minimum wage. That would be 4 hours a day x six days a week at $7.25 an hour. That is $174.00 a week x 4 weeks a month. That ends up being $696.00 a month.
$696.00 a month and that does not include anything that I do around here.
$326.25 a month for time spent with the rabbits alone - this does NOT include anything else I do around here. Now for this we get water, internet, and a place to park the trailer. All for only $1022.00 worth of work a month. Not a bad deal huh??
Onto the next part shall we?
"We take care of (Water, Internet, septic, land) also meat, and lot's of veg's and fruit when in season. LOL"
Let's be completely honest here. He has a well, The internet is shared by wi-fi. The router by the way is Ours as his burned out and he didn't have another one. The septic was dug and installed by Mars. His land is paid for. So actually it costs him nothing for the labor he receives.
"Also meat, and lot's of veg's and fruit when in season." I found it interesting that when the neighbor gave John the beef it was understood that we would be able to have some as Mars had helped with them as well. There was probably 50 pounds of beef that John had no room for so it was stored in our deep freeze (along with about 50 pounds of freezer burned pork John's as well ) Out of all that beef ars and I had a steak dinner, 3 lbs of hamburger, and 2 roasts. We have a few packages of venison that Mars help butcher and about 4 packages of hog that were given to us which he also helped butcher. As for vegetables we haven't seen any yet. I am hoping they will be kind enough to share some of the turnips and melons and yellow squash that we provided the seeds for. I suppose we will see about that one.
If it weren't for John's meat we would not be needing to run the deep freezer at all.But we sure are being charged electricity here.
Ok, onto the issues I have about the electricity."And pay for your own power" In the 3 months we have been here we have been asked to pay a total of $140.00. I know that doesn't sound like much but hang on... lol. That works out to $46.00 a month. Want to know what we run on electric here? The refrigerator, the deep freeze (that we don't need to run) one fan, one computer, and DC lights about 4 hours a night. No way this comes out to that much electric. Quite impossible actually.
Some might say I'm making more out of all this than I should. Possibly. I just don't see the fairness of it all though. I feel like we are being taken advantage of and the bitch of it all is...we can't move just yet. Soon I hope.
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